Document to be downloaded for your INDIVIDUAL TRAINING PROJECT:
Each year, during your registration, please send this document under a PDF format to
- Sophie Jalabert (Email : for the Geoscience department.
- Joelle Taieb (Email : for the Physics department.
To name this document, please respect this format:
- YEAR is the year of your first registration, i.e. the year of the last first of October when you register to the Doctorate School.
- LASTNAME is your last name without space, accent or special characters.
- FIRSTNAME is your first name without space, accent or special characters.
- Di is the current year of your Ph : D1, D2 or D3.
Example: Thomas O'Malley, a Phd student who just arrived in February 2024 will name his files :
- 2023_OMALLEY_THOMAS_D1_PIF.pdf the first time in February 2024.
- 2023_OMALLEY_THOMAS_D2_PIF.pdf the second time when he will register in October 2024.
- 2023_OMALLEY_THOMAS_D3_PIF.pdf the third time when he will register in October 2025.