Dates: 9 Mai, 14 et 15 Mai 2012; Lieu : Salle outremer, IPGP, Cuvier
Ce module est organisé sous la forme de jours de conférences_cours.
Investigating the Deep Earth: Observation, Experiments, and Models
The deep Earth is not physically accessible, but it is however the object of intense studies by remote sensing (seismology, geoid, magnetism) and has left a measurable imprint on the shallow Earth (geochemistry, petrology).
In order to better understand the structure, composition, and evolution of the deep Earth, and to propose models of composition, formation and evolution, we need to compare the observations with laboratory-based experiments, and carry out what looks like a real "forensics" investigation.
We can give a few examples of some seminal achievements in this regard:
Francis Birch has shown 50 years ago that the core is necessarily lighter than pure iron. He achieved this by comparing seismic observation of velocity-density in the core with lab-based experiments on pure iron.
Similarly, Ted Ringwood has proposed that the mantle was composed of a synthetic rock called pyrolite, a mixture of olivine and pyroxenes. This again was obtained by linking the composition of MORB and mantle xenoliths to high-pressure phase equilibrium studies in the lab.
Last, the 410, 550, and 660 seismic discontinuities in the mantle were linked, one after the other, to physical changes in mantle minerals, namely olivine, at high pressure and high temperature.
The objective of this 3-day (1 day graduate, 2 day postgraduate) course is to highlight the different domains of investigation of the deep Earth (Seismology, Geochemistry, Experimental Petrology, Mineral Physics, Geodynamics), and to present the lastest models that emerge from their interaction.
Les intervenants sont :
Bernard Bourdon (ENS Lyon) will present constrains on Earth formation and differentiation from geochemistry
Razvan Caracas (ENS Lyon) will use theoretical mineral physics to gain insight into core composition
Stephane Labrosse (ENS Lyon) will develop core cooling models in relation with mantle structure and dynmaics
Mike Walter (U. Bristol) will apply experimental petrology and mineral physics to unveil the composition of the mantle
Lidunka Vocadlo (UCL London) will depict core structure from theoretical mineral physics
Ana Ferreira (UEA Norwich) will apply global seismology to the study on mantle structure and heterogeneity
Julien Siebert (UPMC/IPGP) will present a new model of core formation based on experimental and theoretical physics
James Badro (IPGP) and Julien Siebert (UPMC/IPGP) will present a 1-day graduate course in thermodynamics, experimental petrology, and mineral physics
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