PhD Supervising comittee
Every PhD student is accompanied by a "PhD Supervising committee". The PhD advisor is responsable for organising the committee annual meetings.
1. Objectives
This arrangement allows to accompany the Ph'D students from the Doctoral School. The committee must give advice concerning the progression and the quality of the Ph'D student's work. It must make sure that rhe Ph'D student is motivated and works enough to achieve work of quality in a given time. It also makes sure that the relationship between the students and their advisors will enable them to reach the best scientific level. Should there be any problem or difficulty, the committe should inform the doctoral school as soon as possible. The committee takes part in the decision making process about the student's trainning.
2.Composition of the committee
- The PhD advisor (s)
- At least two professors or researchers with an experience as PhD advisor. One of them at least must be working outside the PhD student's team. For financial reasons, it is better to work with a parisian professor or researcher.
Among them, one person will be responsible for the supervising committee but it can't be the PhD advisor. If necessary, a member of the doctoral school committee will be able to attend the annual meetings. The PhD advisor will be responsible for appointing the members of this committe and organising the meeting.
The list of member is given to the Doctoral School during the first three months starting the PhD ( that it to say in January the first year at the latest).
3. Organisation and calendar
During every meeting,face to face interviews between the PhD student and their Advisor will be organised by at least one member. Following the meetings, the committee will hand over all the advice to both the student and the advisor.
The minutes of the Ph'D supervising committee are indispensable to sign up the folowing year
3.1. Annual meetings
- 3.1.1. First year in PhD (after 6 months)
Meetings will take place between March and May, there will be an oral presentation in front of the PhD committee of the poster made for the PhD students meeting. The committee will find out whether the student has not only well understood the subject and the methods but also masters the latest. The committee will write a short report that will be given both to the student and their advisor. The committee will schedule the next meeting (September or March of the following year) considering the work that has been achieved so far.
- 3.1.2. Second year in PhD: 1 to 2 meetings (after 12 to 18 months)
Meetings will take place in September-October and / or March-April, there will be an oral presentation of the work and results. A 3 page synthetic report must be written about the work done and the difficulties the student had to face. The student will also hand out a schedule of the work to be done before writing the manuscript. The committee will make sure that the student has been getting on well in his work and is skilled and motivated enough to finish up his task. The committee will not hesitate to carefully discuss both scientific issues and oral / written presentations. The quality of oral presentation during the PhD student meeting will be assessed. The committee will write a report that will be given to the student and their advisor and it might use an evaluation grid provided by the doctoral school.
- 3.1.3. Third year in PhD
Meetings will take place between March 15th and May 15th.
The Phd student will put forward a first draft of their manuscript.Along with the student and their advisor, the PhD committee will decide on the day the thesis will be defended. If it can't happen by the end of September, the committee will write a note to the doctoral school suggesting that the student should sign up for a 4th year. For the UMR7154 PhD student, the notification will be attached to the application for ATER or CDD financing.
- 3.1.4. Fourth year in PhD
If the manuscript is not written up at the beginning in january, the committe meets with the student and their advisor to decide on a fixed date that has to be respected to defend the thesis. This date is given to the doctoral school.