Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
<br /><center> <big>'''Welcome to the  Earth and Science  Doctoral School website  <br /> (IPGP, Univerity of Paris Diderot and ENS laboratory</big> </center>
<br /><center> <big>'''Welcome to the  Earth and Science  Doctoral School website  <br /> (IPGP, Univerity of Paris Diderot and ENS laboratory)</big> </center>

Version du 29 avril 2010 à 13:35

Welcome to the Earth and Science Doctoral School website
(IPGP, Univerity of Paris Diderot and ENS laboratory)

Rubriques :

The Earth and Science Doctoral School offers research trainings for Ph.D students in the 3 following main fields: geochemistry, Geophysics and Earth , Environment and planets Sciences .

The Doctoral School welcomes about 110 Ph.D students, a quarter of which are foreigners.

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